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Born on this day
Eduard Buchner
Eduard Buchner (20 May 1860 – 13 August 1917) was a German chemist and zymologist, awarded with the 1907 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on fermentation.
21st week in year
20 May 2024

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The creation of the Study of General Schools of Alcalá20.5.1293

Wikipedia (12 Apr 2013, 08:18)
On May 20, 1293, King Sancho IV of Castile granted the Archbishop of Toledo, Gonzalo Garcia Gudiel, a Royal Charter to found a Studium Generale (as Universities were known at that time) in Alcala de Henares. One of its alumni, Cardinal Cisneros, made extensive purchases of land and ordered the construction of many buildings, in what became the first university campus ex-novo in history: The Civitas Dei, or city of God, named after the work of Agustine of Hippo. In 1499, Cardinal Cisneros secured from Pope Alexander VI a Papal Bull to expand Complutense into a full university. This Papal Bull conferred official recognition throughout Christendom to all degrees granted by the University. It also renamed the institution Universitas Complutensis, after Complutum, which was the Latin name of Alcalá de Henares, where the University was originally located.
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