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Born on this day
Jozef Mazur
Jozef C. Mazur (March 17, 1897 – April 23, 1970) was a Polish-American (Galician) stained glass artist, painter and sculptor.
11th week in year
17 March 2024

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The United States launches the Vanguard 1 satellite17.3.1958

Wikipedia (11 Mar 2013, 09:34)
Vanguard 1 (1958-Beta 2) was the fourth artificial Earth orbital satellite launched and the first satellite to be solar powered. Although communication with it was lost in 1964, it remains the oldest manmade satellite still in orbit. It was designed to test the launch capabilities of a three-stage launch vehicle as a part of Project Vanguard, and the effects of the environment on a satellite and its systems in Earth orbit. It also was used to obtain geodetic measurements through orbit analysis.
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