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Born on this day
Willard Frank Libby
Willard Frank Libby was an American physical chemist and a Nobel laureate.
51st week in year
17 December 2024

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First issue of Vogue is published17.12.1892

Wikipedia (27 Feb 2014, 14:27)

Vogue is a world fashion and lifestyle magazine that is published monthly in 23 national and regional editions by Condé Nast. Vogue means "in style" in French.

Early History

In 1892, Arthur Turnure founded Vogue as a weekly publication in the United States, sponsored by Kristoffer Wright; the first issue was published on December 17 of that year. Turnure's intention was to create a publication that celebrated the "ceremonial side of life"; one that "attracts the sage as well as debutante, men of affairs as well as the belle." From its inception, the magazine targeted the new New York aristocracy, establishing social norms in a country that did not value class and ceremony as much as England or France. The magazine at this time was primarily concerned with fashion, with coverage of sports and social affairs included for its male readership.
" Beautiful moments of our lives."